National Sections (often known as Chapters)
By Art 4 of AIDA’s By-laws Members of AIDA may be natural persons and/or bodies corporate, operating autonomously or as members of a national association devoted to the sciences of law or insurance.
Role of National Sections within AIDA
Each AIDA Member (National Section) has one vote at the General Assembly, the highest executive authority of AIDA and which decides upon the admission of new Members. The AIDA Presidential Council, which is elected by the General Assembly, and which is charged with the task of managing AIDA’s affairs is intended to reflect fair geographical and linguistic representation across AIDA’s membership and the numbers represented by any Member are also to be taken into account.
Each National Section is required each year (by 31 January) both to pay an annual subscription to AIDA (or apply for an exemption) and to file an Annual Return providing details of its Officers and activities (as well as information regarding legal developments in its own jurisdiction of wider interest to other Members).
Also, each National Section is expected to support AIDA’s objectives and activities, such as by furnishing information and support in response to questionnaires circulated in connection with World Congress themes and in connection with Working Party and other initiatives or promoting interest and support among younger students, academics and practitioners.
National Sections and AIDA Regional Groupings
Representatives of National Sections also combine in the activities of AIDA’s international regional groupings, CILA and AIDA Europe.
The rules and by-laws of each make similar provision for the active involvement of representatives of all AIDA National Sections in their activities and governance.
Those National Sections which are in a geographical region presently without an established AIDA regional grouping may support the activities of one of the existing international regional groupings. Alternatively, they may be encouraged to join forces with other National Sections to help promote events and interest in cross-border issues as was witnessed in 2017 by the activities of the National Sections of Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong and the Republic of China in the combined staging of the highly successful Asia-Pacific Insurance Conference in Singapore.
Activities of National Sections
Fuller details of the activities of most AIDA National Sections may be found on websites maintained by many such National Sections.