
AIDA is a not-for-profit organisation made up of National Sections, often described as Chapters - nationally organised insurance law associations which are members of AIDA, the parent organisation. In addition, National Sections may establish AIDA Reinsurance and Insurance Arbitration Societies (ARIAS) which are affiliated to AIDA as Centrally Affiliated Chapters.

AIDA is governed by its own by-laws and, in matters not covered by them, by the legislation of Switzerland, particularly Art. 60 et seq. of the Swiss Federal Civil Code. By its by-laws AIDA determines how its objectives are to be met with executive authority expressly conferred upon respectively its General Assembly, its Presidential Council, its Executive Committee, its General Secretariat and Special Committees.

There are presently two regional groupings of AIDA: CILA (an Ibero-Latinamerican regional grouping) and AIDA Europe (European grouping), each of which operates in accordance with its own by-laws.

General Assembly

The General Assembly is the highest executive authority of AIDA. It decides upon the admission of new Members; the election of the President, the Vice-Presidents and other members of the Presidential Council; the appointment of auditors, if need be; the amount of annual Members' subscriptions; and amendments of the by-laws and dissolution of AIDA.

The General Assembly comprises delegates duly elected by the Members. Each Member has one vote at the General Assembly. Resolutions, including elections, shall in most cases need a simple majority of votes present to be passed. Each Member may appoint, as its proxy, any other Member of AIDA or the President or a Vice-President of AIDA, to vote upon any resolution. The General Assembly meets at least once within four years, as a rule in connection with the AIDA world congresses.

Presidential Council

The Presidential Council defines AIDA’s working programme at an international level. The Presidential Council is composed of the President, Immediate Past President, Honorary Presidents, up to five Vice-Presidents, the Secretary General, any Assistant Secretaries General and Treasurer, the Chairmen of the Working Parties and a maximum of 30 councillors. Members of the Presidential Council are elected for a term of four years, except for the Honorary Presidents. Generally, the President may be re-elected once (twice in exceptional circumstances). The Presidential Council is elected by the General Assembly, which endeavours to achieve fair geographical and linguistic representation on the Council. The Presidential Council generally meets twice a year where possible. Their meetings are organised to coincide with meetings of the Working Parties, often at a conference or colloquium organised by a National Section.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee exercises the powers, delegated to it by the Presidential Council, between the meetings of that body and reports any action taken to the next meeting of the Council. The Executive Committee comprises the President, the five Vice-Presidents, the Immediate Past President and the Secretary General. Further members may be appointed by the Presidential Council from its own membership.

General Secretariat

The General Secretariat comprises the Secretary General, the Assistant Secretaries General, when appointed and other officers and/or administrative support as is deemed required. The members of the General Secretariat are appointed by the Presidential Council on the President's proposal for terms of four years. The Secretary General manages AIDA's current affairs under the direction of the President. The Assistant Secretaries General meet such needs of AIDA as are required of them and as are assigned to them by the Presidential Council and/or in general support of the Secretary General.

Special Committees

The Presidential Council may establish Special Committees to be charged with specific tasks. Examples of these are the Scientific Council, concerned with the academic and other content of conference and World Congress programmes, events and areas covered by AIDA Working Parties and the Finance Committee, concerned with how the financial needs of AIDA may best be met in fulfilling its long-term aims and objectives.